Sunday, August 3, 2014


Core Questions: What are the benefits and difficulties associated with multiculturalism in Korea and elsewhere?

Sources:Below are a few readings.  More will be added soon. In the meantime, please try to find some interested related links and either post them on your blog or comment below to share them.


Korea's Multiculturalism

and a little multiculturalism humor

Ethnic Diversity

From: Worlds apart: Uganda tops list of most ethnically diverse countries on Earth while South Korea comes bottom

More Stats:
More Sites of Interest

Discussion Questions: 

    • How have views toward foreigners and mixed-race Koreans changed during your lifetime (for society in general and you personally)?
    • Do you feel that Korea is becoming more multicultural?  If so, in what ways have you personally experienced this?
    • How many mixed race Koreans have you met (students, friends, relatives, etc.)?
      What have you heard about their experiences?
    • Do you think that mixed race Koreans and foreigners face discrimination in society? Do you think Korea is xenophobic? Is it getting better or worse?
    • How do your feelings about this differ from older and younger generations (e.g. parents , grandparents, and children)?
    • Would you consider marrying someone who is non-Korean or mixed race?
      Would it be OK if your children did?
    • What do you think are the biggest potential concerns and benefits for a society (particularly Korea) becoming more multicultural?

    • Do you think the increasing multiculturalism of Korean society is a good thing or a bad thing? Why?
    • In what ways do you think it’s easier or more difficult to be a ‘foreigner’ or mixed race person in Korea as opposed to being a Korean in a foreign country?
    • What have been the best and worst multicultural environments or experiences you've encountered? What made them so good or bad?
    • Do you feel any differently toward various non-Koreans who marry Koreans and their children?
      (e.g. a SouthEast Asian bride vs. a Western groom)
    • What do you think Korean society will be like (in regards to multiculturalism) in 10, 25, 50 years?
    • How do you think the Korean media treats foreigners and mixed race Koreans?
    • What role does the media play in the evolution of attitudes toward multiculturalism?
      How has it impacted the acceptance of a non-homogeneous Korea?
    • What should the requirements be for someone who wants to become a Korean citizen?
    • How do you determine if someone is 'Korean'? How would you rank the 'Korean-ness' of
    - a mixed race person raised in Korea
    - a non-ethnic Korean born and raised in Korea
    - a non-ethnic Korean who has lived here a long time and is fluent in Korean
    - an ethnic Korean raised overseas (gyopo)
    - an ethnic Korean adoptee

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